Project “Adventure Happiness”

Project “Adventure Happiness” 4649 2138 Oliver Fecht

What makes you happy? What is it, that makes people happy?

We would like to discover what people understand about happiness and what makes them happy. Are there cultural differences regarding happiness? To pursue these questions and to find answers, we are going on a journey to different Continents. There we will visit a large variety of schools with our project “Adventure Happiness”, to work with teenagers trying to discover the answer to these very personal questions.

For many years now it has not been enough, as a teacher, for me to just technically prepare my students for life. Over the years I’ve come to the conclusion that I want to have students leave school with strengthened, self-confident, and self-responsible personalities. But the promotion of life skills, joy of life and intensive personality development often falls to short of what is needed. Thats how the idea for this project and new challenge for me came about. As a passionate motorcyclist, I was already able while on a great journey, to find my personal joy. That’s why I’m taking 2019, and traveling one year on a new motorcycle adventure with our Happiness Projekt.

Our Project ...

We would like to visit a variety of schools in North America, Africa and Australia. There we will, with the help of lokal teachers, lead a 4-day Happiness-Workshop for teenagers in a Small group Format. After spending an internes time evaluating oneself and what makes up one’s own joy or happiness, we will help the young people to develop a symbol, a picture in the form of a Photograph that Expresses that happiness. This will become a high quality photo picture book full of emotions. I am already looking forward to the moment, when we will hole this book in our hands.

SHARE HAPPINESS. The proceeds from the sale of this wonderfully illustrated book will be donated to a variety of different educational institutions.

An African Proverb:

“When many small people,
in many small places
do many small things, they can change
the face of the world.

Be a part of the Happiness Project!

Support us! We are looking for enthusiastin Partners; the more professionally equipped we can start our project, the more high-quality and durable we will be able to eternalize the happy moments of children and people around the world. But the most important thing are schools who want to practicipate in the project.

Please contact us!

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