
Links 150 150 Michael


Very often people ask me questions like:

  • Which luggage system can you recommend?
  • Which outdoor stuff is perfect for …?
  • Where do you get maps?
  • Where to find travel information?
  • etc.

Just for a few of these questions I have an answer. Mostly my answer starts with “depends on what you want” and then it gets complicated. The best way for me to find out what fits best is to find out what’s available. If you invest just a few hours you can’t find that out and you never will be objective if you are under time pressure because you already need something.  That’s why I always walk around with open eyes for new stuff that fits in my activities. The following links is my personal overview about who can deliver what. The easy accessible stuff that you typically know already in German market is excluded.

Important: The list is not exhaustive so feel free to send me links that you think are worth to add.
Van Customising
Van Customising 1000 667 Michael

The customisation of my van is always a topic when I open the doors on meetings. During the time I…

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Clothes & Riding Gear
Clothes & Riding Gear 1000 562 Michael

For clothes the most important thing is always that they fit and you feel comfortable with them. I haven’t changed…

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Soft Luggage
Soft Luggage 1000 1000 Michael

Driving offroad gets much easier and safer with soft luggage. If you go to the German big three Louis, Polo…

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Camp Gear
Camp Gear 1000 750 Michael

If you go to more then one big outdoor dealer you typically get a good overview what is on the…

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Maps & Information
Maps & Information 1625 991 Michael

Planning a route and navigation is very easy with the modern GPS-Systems. The OSM Maps are so well developed that…

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