Siberia 2016

riding the BAM on high water or the most insane ride of my life

This is the Report of 3 Riders Asmir, Kai and me. We started to ride the BAM-Road together in Juli 2016.
We had a nice time together, it was a tough ride and we were glad to enjoy such great hospitality from the Russians. The water levels during our time on the BAM were high. We were stupid enough to do that even if we were warned by locals. In these conditions you will stay on the used Railroad for a significant amount of time. You will risk your health and the jobs of railroad workers supporting you. Keep that in mind when you plan to ride the BAM. I can’t recommend doing it in these conditions.

I meet Chris and Uwe at the HUBB event Germany in autumn 2014. Chris did a presentation of his BAM trip which he also documented with a report here. Later I talked to him and also to Uwe who was riding the BAM in another group the same year. I was fascinated about what they told but I had already 3 plans in my mind for 2015. After I injured my thumb and had to cancel the last trip I was very frustrated and needed another trip to look forward to. At that time Hans wrote at motorradkarawane that he is searching for riders to join his BAM trip. That suited perfect to raise my motivation to top again, I wrote we meet, Asmir and Kai joined the team also. Perfect a group of four seemed us all perfect for this trip. In Mai everything was well prepared for shipping, Hans had bad news. He droped his bike on the way to the ferry in Venice and dislocated his shoulder. Soon it was obvious no BAM for Hans, so just Asmir, Kai and me remained.

Day 1, 2016.07.09 Moscow
Day 1, 2016.07.09 Moscow 1000 563 Michael

Thanks to my friend Markus who dropped me at the Airport I hope you enjoyed…

Day 2, 2016.07.10 Ulaanbaatar
Day 2, 2016.07.10 Ulaanbaatar 628 1000 Michael

We arrived in Ulaanbaatar around 7:30. After the big airports in Munich and Moscau it…

Day 3, 2016.07.11 Ulaanbaatar
Day 3, 2016.07.11 Ulaanbaatar 750 1000 Michael

This birthday I got my biggest present ever. Ok no fancy bow on it or…

Day 4, 2016.07.12 Baruunkharaa
Day 4, 2016.07.12 Baruunkharaa 1000 667 Michael

Lazy day we got up around 8:30 that will not happen again soon We packed…

Day 5, 2016.07.13 Kyakhta
Day 5, 2016.07.13 Kyakhta 1000 750 Michael

We started faster then we all expected but it was still already 10:30. I had…

Day 6, 2016.07.14 Lake Gussinoje
Day 6, 2016.07.14 Lake Gussinoje 1000 667 Michael

Target of this day was trying the offroad trail between Lake Gussinoje and Lake Baikal.…

Day 7, 2016.07.15 Babuschkin
Day 7, 2016.07.15 Babuschkin 1000 667 Michael

The night was cold we had frost in the night. We wanted to get out…

Day 8, 2016.07.16 Irkutsk
Day 8, 2016.07.16 Irkutsk 1000 667 Michael

After the night in the Hotel it looked good that we can get some time…

Day 9, 2016.07.17 Irkutsk
Day 9, 2016.07.17 Irkutsk 1000 563 Michael

First goal for the day was finding a new accommodation. It’s not very difficult to…

Day 10, 2016.07.18 Kachug
Day 10, 2016.07.18 Kachug 1000 667 Michael

Asmir waked us at 6:00. I couldn’t believe my tired eyes. I followed a few…

Day 11, 2016.07.19 Schigalowo
Day 11, 2016.07.19 Schigalowo 1920 1280 Michael

We left the Bear in Kachug and started for another boring day with straight roads.…

Day 12, 2016.07.20 Kunerma
Day 12, 2016.07.20 Kunerma 1000 652 Michael

Was nearly the same then the day before. The Schigalowo Road had again just dust…

Day 13, 2016.07.21 Sewerobaikalsk
Day 13, 2016.07.21 Sewerobaikalsk 1000 750 Michael

Wake up ohh good day just 3 mosquitos per side waiting for breakfast. It’s the…

Day 14, 2016.07.22 Jantschuhkan
Day 14, 2016.07.22 Jantschuhkan 1000 667 Michael

After saying goodbye to Asmir we continued our way on the BAM road. I already…

Day 15, 2016.07.23 Kuanda
Day 15, 2016.07.23 Kuanda 1000 667 Michael

After packing the wet tent we continued to Taksimo. Kai had some trouble with one…

Day 16, 2016.07.24 Kuanda
Day 16, 2016.07.24 Kuanda 1000 750 Michael

We left our accommodation via the shop and followed Johanns invitation to his shop. The…

Day 17, 2016.07.25 Nowaja Tschara
Day 17, 2016.07.25 Nowaja Tschara 1000 750 Michael

We went to bed at 3am of course we slept long. Johann waked us up…

Day 18, 2016.07.26 Olekma
Day 18, 2016.07.26 Olekma 1000 667 Michael

After I adjusted chain tension and tried to bend back the “high quality” sw motech…

Day 19, 2016.07.27 Stuck in Swamp
Day 19, 2016.07.27 Stuck in Swamp 1000 563 Michael

I slept very bad, no wonder directly beside the railway. When I navigated to a…

Day 20, 2016.07.28 Dyugabul
Day 20, 2016.07.28 Dyugabul 1000 667 Michael

The water was gone completely very nice, continue with dry feet. After the swamp puddle…

Day 21, 2016.07.29 Chilchi
Day 21, 2016.07.29 Chilchi 1000 667 Michael

When we left the Ashtray Kai mentioned that he lost some bought waterbottles and prefers…

Day 22, 2016.07.30 Tynda
Day 22, 2016.07.30 Tynda 1000 667 Michael

The washed buff smelled wonderfull. The rest of our cloths were more disgusting. I promised…

Day 23, 2016.07.31 Mogotscha
Day 23, 2016.07.31 Mogotscha 1000 667 Michael

Packing tooked me very long I left around 12:00 but in clean cloth. It felt…

Day 24, 2016.08.01 Bada
Day 24, 2016.08.01 Bada 1000 563 Michael

Breakfast at 7:00 on my room and on the road at 8:00 perfect start in…

Day 25, 2016.08.02 Kyakhta
Day 25, 2016.08.02 Kyakhta 1000 667 Michael

Asmir waited near the border in Kyakhta at this time I still wanted to see…

Day 26, 2016.08.03 Kyakhta
Day 26, 2016.08.03 Kyakhta 1000 750 Michael

Already yesterday it was impossible to get an agent of our travel agency on the…

Day 27, 2016.08.04 Ulaanbaatar
Day 27, 2016.08.04 Ulaanbaatar 1000 750 Michael

We left to the border 2h this time but we still had to explain how…

Day 28-32, 2016.08.05-09 Ulaanbaatar
Day 28-32, 2016.08.05-09 Ulaanbaatar 1000 750 Michael

Day 28, 2016.08.05 Ok journey is over now. Main Targets today make the appointment with…

Conclusion Siberia 2016 and BAM-Road
Conclusion Siberia 2016 and BAM-Road 1918 1114 Michael

I can understand why the BAM is upraised to an ultimate adventure even if i…

3 Riders on Honda Africa Twin, Yamaha Super Teneree and KTM 640 going for the BAM in Siberia mostly offroadtrip, some technical issues Timeschedule 5 Weeks, 5500km driven.

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