Day 2, 2016.07.10 Ulaanbaatar

Day 2, 2016.07.10 Ulaanbaatar 628 1000 Michael

We arrived in Ulaanbaatar around 7:30. After the big airports in Munich and Moscau it felt a little bit like an emergency landing in the middle of nowhere or like the lokal airport Memmingen near to my home :-) A little bit of Germany was already there before us. Border control was easy, short passport check and an entrance form to fulfil. Nobody was interested in our luggage. It felt like we waited one hour for the money change, they couldn’t give me money via credit card and a cash machine wasn’t available, so change money at home can save a lot of time. Outside Asmir thought me a first lesson “look for a taxi driver with a taxameter”. From his personal experience these ones are more reliable and he saved us 9€ with leaving the taxi of the bastard who tried to cheat us. Checking if the driver goes direct way is easy today just look on your GPS or Cellphone. At the OASIS Guesthouse we tried to reduce our jetlag with a short nap.

We visited mongolia during Naadam festival and in preperation for that was a costume festival in the city centre which we visited. The Artists were very impressive but sadly I just made the video when the stunt failed:

On peace avenue followed peace bell. Take the time to read the sign. The idea of this bell is much nicer then the sound. Later we looked for supplies but it took a while to find appropriate dimensions for motorcycle luggage.

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