Day 20, 2016.07.28 Dyugabul

Day 20, 2016.07.28 Dyugabul 1000 667 Michael

The water was gone completely very nice, continue with dry feet. After the swamp puddle we reached a bridge that don’t looks very reliable. The ford was to deep so no choice. The bridge hold but it was a mixture of going fast to not break it completely and going slow to miss the holes. After that we were near the railroad again. We decided not to leave the railroad again if we have a choice.

A few kms away we were in the middle of a workers camp and the invited us for breakfast. Is this the reward for hard yesterday? Felix the youngest of the workers was very happy that we were there. It’s easy to imagine that we filled their average working day with a little life. We had some eggs, pancakes (=blenji) and tea (=chei) My mouth was still so dry that I hardly could eat. I was still dehydrated from the hard work of the day before and wanted to avoid drinking more of the swampwater then necessary. By the way, no direct problems as result of the consume of cooked and sterilised swamp water. We were very impressed by the hospitality of the Russian workers. Kai gifted Felix a Borussia Dortmund T-Shirt after he had some fun on my Motorcycle. We were deeply impressed when they gave us two Flags of their construction company. My Russian friends I will find a special place for that flag I promise. We left them with fresh water and a very motivated feeling. But to be honest I hated the rest of this day. We had to cross the railway 3 times this day. Luckily the railroad workes helped us.

When we reached Yuktali we filled up our supplies and needed fuel again. We asked in a local shop and a biker helped us. Fascinating was the way to the “fuel station” the main road in the village was flushed away so we followed the biker through a water tube. After my helmet was fixed between the tankbag and the tube I prefered to reverse and push the bike. After our bikes were filled up via canister we continued. I didn’t cared anymore if I pay for 80, 92 or the 95 octane, there is no choice anyway and it brings me forward. We were mentaly finished when we reached a small station were we needed to cross the railway again. Some workers gave us the hope that a train would bring us to Tynda so we decided to give that idea a try. 10:00pm we slept in a workers shelter with the smell of a big astray.

All trains that came were on the wrong of the 3 lanes, had sealed Waggons or were not suitable to transport a motorcycle. If you leave Novaya Chara to Tynda there is always a way out for you but not with your motorcycle!!!

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