Day 17, 2015.05.29 Brusnytsia

Day 17, 2015.05.29 Brusnytsia 1000 667 Michael

I left the Hotel early in the Morning because I knew nothing about Moldova and was a bit nervous what awaits me. When I reached the border the queue of trucks seemed to be endless. Luck for me that there was no queue for motorcycles. In Moldova it realized soon that this is the lowest developed country of my trip. It puts my mind at rest, that I had enough supplies and was able to reach my target in Ukraine without hurry. With Balti I just had one bigger city on my way. From what I have seen, it would have been the only option to buy supplies or find an accommodation. The people are definitely not used to tourists most of them looked at me like a spaceship had dropped me. But quite often people waved their hand or gave the thumbs-up.

Many roads in Moldova are avenues. Perhaps, because the strong winds that blew do that not just this day. You can see one in the valley of this picture. If you leave the few major roads you are most of the time on good gravel Roads. In Germany customizing your car often contains “evil eyes” you’ll find the equal in Moldova in the pictures. Beside the roads there are many memorial stones or roods to remind of a beloved person that died in accidents. But that is also typical for the countries I visited before. According to the number of horse-drawn carriages you see you see wells. Romania and Bulgaria has them too but in Moldova is saw more. The breakdown bays are much better equipped on the whole Balkan. You also can see what a nice avenue this is again.

I didn’t stayed in Moldova although I liked that country. It was too early when I reached the border to Ukraine. Near Chernivitsi i found the cheapest Guesthouse to stay on that trip. The Oskar is run by a nice you girl Natascha. My room was in good shape and costs were around 6.50€ excluding breakfast. In the Restaurant Andreji and his wife Ira invited me to join their table. We had no words to understand each other but still had great evening. I was very glad to have my tablet in that situation. The pictures and videos made especially their son very happy. The benefit for me was I was not forced to drink more Wodka all the time.

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