Day 7 2016.09.30 Narva

Day 7 2016.09.30 Narva 1000 750 Michael

This day felt like the most unspectacular of the whole journey. Maybe I should consult a travel guide more often in future. But I found some nices spots even without. In Cesvaines I stopped to take some pictures near the palace.

My personal highlight where some gravel roads in Latvia. Not any difficulties to drive them but at least I had the feeling back of being alone on that road. I stopped several times for pictures on the road an nobody felt disturbed because of that. I love this small part of freedom that you have on such rarely used roads, ways, tracks or whatever.

Driving a dirty bike again brought at least a bit of the unique spirit of an offroadtrip back. After the big trip to Siberia I wanted to have an easy trip but most of the time I missed the difficulties. No sense in getting to emotional. Estonia was waiting So back to the cultural programm. New to me was not just the so obvious marked zebra crossings also this monument which reminds to the Battle of Paju increased my interested in the History of Estonia.

The new place that the Estonians gave the Lenin statue indicates a clear point of view on the sowjet occupation. This corners is completely out of sight of an inattentive visitor. The installation and the vents of the kitchen make it even worse to visit it. At least it stands on hermanns castle. If you go to Narva you have to visit it. The view is amazing. You already can see Russia and the Castle of Iwangorod. Close to hemannscastle is a small park with a nice fountain. When i was there Bird gatherd to a big crowd. It looked a bit scary and i waited for an attack like in the Hitchcock film “the Birds” but luckily nothing happend.

On my way back home I was a bit confused. A German Pub and the beer signs indicate yes we have irish and Estonian beer. I forced myself not to go in and complain about this nuisance. I preferred to go home to my hotel you can see on the last picture. It’s end of the Street πŸ˜‰

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