Mush to Africa – Preparation & Route

Mush to Africa – Preparation & Route 1784 958 Michael

After American Loop, it would have been obvious to travel on to South America, but for various reasons, South America lost more and more interest for me:

  • Adventure Happiness was originally planned in Kenya for April and South Africa in May. With the later shown North South route through Africa I could have accompanied both dates. Unfortunately, the dates were postponed by the schools, so that it is not longer possible to integrate it into a motorcycle trip.
  • For South America no visas and carnets are needed and there are plenty of affordable transport and rental motorcycles available. A trip on a regular vacation is much easier to organize than a trip through northeast and central Africa.

Apart from that, it’s hard to keep up the motivation for a long trip with arguments like it’s cheaper or even more reasonable, you simply need to put your heart and soul into it. I was always very interested in Africa, but bureaucracy, risk and effort have always put me off. In the end the decision was made at some point, if not now then when. The planning and preparation is therefore very spontaneous and a bit chaotic but it will be alright. Who would like to give some recommendations for highlights along the route?


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  • Write a comment at the end of this post!
  • Get into conversation with me at meetings or elsewhere.
  • Send me links to sections of your travel report that includes parts of the route.
  • Let me know what’s far from my route, too. Maybe I’ll change it.
  • Interested in the tour? Maybe we can meet “on the road”.

I will put your tips into the map to provide a clear presentation of the collected information.

Nice Road/Track  Nationalpark Water Sights Museum/Historic Place Meeting  Meeting (only marked) Meetingpoints Startpoint End of Stage


The route has nothing to do with a planning, it is the calculated route from Alexandria to Cape Town which I pulled a little bit to the west in Sudan and shifted from the direct route towards Namibia. It is already certain that I will deviate from this and possibly add loops via Angola, Botswana or Zimbabwe.



The only visa that has to be applied for in advance is the one for Sudan – an E-Visa or On Arrival is not possible.


An On Arrival Visa is only possible for air travel but not overland. However, an electronic visa can be applied for:


For Kenya, an On Arrival Visa is possible by land to save time at the border but an electronic visa can also be applied for.


For Tanzania no On Arrival Visa by land is possible but an electronic visa can be applied for.

Zambia, (Angola, Botswana Namibia and Zimbabwe)

In Zambia, it is best to apply for the KAZA visa electronically. It allows round trips through the countries Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Namibia and South Africa

Both countries are visa-free for German citizens.

General information

However, you should always pick up such information from the Foreign Office because it is most up-to-date there:
In addition, there are a lot of visa agencies and sometimes fake sites that mislead you. You should only follow and use links to e-visas from reputable sources, preferably the embassy website of the respective country.


Transport to Egypt

For the way to Egypt I only know two possibilities. You can ship a motorcycle from Italy or Greece directly to Egypt in RoRo without luggage through Neptune Lines. Passengers are not allowed on board. Neptune only mediates agencies in Egypt to help you through the customs formalities. I definitely expect the most annoying import of all.

Another option is to transport to Israel on one of Grimaldi Lines’ cargo ships. In this case, passenger transport is possible, but the entry into Israel goes along with certain risks for the onward journey through Egypt and Sudan. The border in the Sinai is very often not passable for tourists and therefore most of them enter Egypt via Jordan. When travelling through Sudan, there must be no stamp in the passport that indicates a journey through Israel, otherwise you may be refused to enter. For this reason I have decided to travel directly to Egypt.

Transport from Southern Africa

I have not yet dealt in detail with the return transport from Namibia or South Africa, but I know at least four companies that are eligible for the route.


I am not aware of any insurance possibilities. In best case insurance can be solved at the border.

  • Claude

    KAZA visa is for Zambia and ZImbabwe only. You might need a Carnet to ship out of South Africa. Your itineray is mostly paved road – a shame with a 701!

    • Michael

      No worries Claude the route ist mostly what google recommends for my rough plans. I mostly decide sponateous were i leave the paved road and find my own route. I realised it a waste of time to plan to detailed because what you do depends mostly on mood, interest, timing and security. I’ll double check that with the KAZA Visa. Maybe i was wrong here.

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