Day 12, 2015.05.24 Camp Bor

Day 12, 2015.05.24 Camp Bor 1000 667 Michael

My second day in Mazedonia was much better. I stayed on the Main Roads but still got some nice impressions:

In the middle of the countryside I saw a hill that looked like lava and a few Minutes later it was gone. Ok I was curious and it was possible to get nearer. The hill was lying in a factory area that looked like a hell for workers.

This vehicle is not from Mad Max it’s a fascinating Macedonian innovation. It can pull a trailer wood in big pieces, where ever you need it and saw it directly to smaller ones for easy storage. Saves them of course a lot of time. I’ve seen many of them they seem to be very popular. Would be interesting what a TÜV Engineer says if you want have one in Germany.

Directly after the border I did some touristic stuff. I visited the Pyramids of Stob. After I paid my ticket the women explained take water with you it’’s a one hour walk to get there and back. If she had mentioned that earlier I had not bought the ticket. Ok I did it and shot some nice pictures not only of pyramids.

In the evening I decided to camp on a campsite in Rila National Park. The hut costs 5€ the tent 4€ the man did not understand why I decided to take the tent. But he knows not that I am carrying camping equipment with me since nearly two weeks that I didn’’t used till now. If a camp site is available it’s always so cheap to rent a hut or a bungalow that the tent doesn’’t make sense. Most of the time you don’t have a choice and the only accommodation is a motel or hotel between 15 and 35€ including breakfast. A second reason was that I have seen already in what dirt this man lives himself. Ok now i used it and i am happy that it still resists the thunderstorm and the strong rain perfect timing.

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