Day 11, 2015.05.23 Kicevo

Day 11, 2015.05.23 Kicevo 1000 667 Michael

My day started with saying goodbye to Robert. Our ways split I continued east to Kosovo his direction is south to Peshkopi. Thanks fort the nice time Robert. I definitely have no regrets that I ruined my easy day to help you. Ok next chance for an easy day with some impressions of Cosovo.

My start in Macedonia was annoying it felt like riding through a 100km long village with crazy slow Balkan traffic and 30°C. The video gives just an impression most of the time it was much more traffic.

I was happy when my route led me to a smaller road in the countryside. You can imagine what happened it changed to gravel, to mud, to mud with trails, to mud with trails and branches.

When my OSM map showed me that I am on the wrong way I had enough. I realized that the map was wrong and the way was right later when I compared with the garmin map. But I was too proud to pass the smiling woodchoppers again. I am actually staying in a Hotel and below me is a wedding taking place. I hope Macedonia will give me a reason to like it tomorrow.

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