Day 15, 2015.05.27 Rucar

Day 15, 2015.05.27 Rucar 1000 667 Michael

This day I wanted to ride the Transfogarascher on my way to this famous road I shot a nice picture I hope they never cut this dead but beautiful tree. This short lunch break was healthier then all before on that trip.

On my short offroad ride around the lake just before the Transfogarascher I met Patrick and Sascha on their bikes African Twin and Transalp. They were already on the way back from the snowfield that blocked my highlight. To make the day perfect it started to rain again. I drove back with the guys because I don’t need the ride around the lake in rain and didn’t wanted to see the f… snowfield. At a fuel station we split. The guys were driving southwest to Bucarest were I came from and I made my way northwest up to Brasov.

On my way I have seen many trucks with bees. It’s difficult to belive but it looked like the beekeepers drive them around and wait until it makes sense to change the spot. I asked my uncle (he’s a beekeeper) at home and he explained that it is common since a few years that people drove bees around for money to pollenise the plants of agricultural fields. I wouldn’t call these drivers beekeepers because they don’t care about that thousands of bees die every time they change the spot. Just the small guard dog near that truck could gain my sympathy. After that picture I needed my rainsuit until I reached a small pensiona in the mountains. Sorry again the track is lost.

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