Day 2, 2015.05.14 Hungary

Day 2, 2015.05.14 Hungary 667 1000 Michael

8’clock and I am already sitting on my bike and looking forward to explore Hungary. In the pics you find a  typical village. I liked these green on the side of the road I have never seen that in villages before. Later I found something brown on the “road”. Mud the most terrible I ever experienced. The ground that I have seen in Hungary had no stones perfect for agriculture and slippery mud. I am not sure if it would be possible to have fun in it with a lighter bike and better tires but my combination was definitely wrong.

But I still had fun until I realized that the cooling vent wasn’t blowing. Ok checking connecters didn’t help, bridging the switch didn’t help. Found this burned fuse and left the nice working place you can see on the pics. Replacing this burned fuse was just not the problem. Somewhere in the forest in the mud again I decided to install an additional power wire. That brought me out after I shared nearly all my water with my bike. Out of the mud the instruments and the indicator stopped working. Shit not again, fuck of I can drive without. I was so happy when I arrived half past 8 at TIR Motel even it was my dirtiest room ever.

It’s so sad that I lost the tracks of that day. My disorientation in this forest would look very funny I guarantee

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