Day 10 2016.10.03 Turku

Day 10 2016.10.03 Turku 1000 750 Michael

Breakfast at 7:15 and my first day with a hard deadline. The ferry will leave at 20:15 means last chance for check in at 19:15. Around 400km to go so no bigger problem. In fact to early because of fog I could hardly see anything until 9:00. That the snowflake in the cockpit was flashing all the time was a nearly secondary problem. The heated grips were running at 100% I really would need cuffs for the steering bar to get at least the hand out of the wind.

Most of the Finnland I saw was forrest, lakes and nature. It felt very quiet and peaceful and I really felt a need to come back but not with a motorcycle more with my van and a Kanu. At the harbour I was the only motorcyclist. Luckily I didn’t needed the tent. So bye bye Finnland.

In my cabine I learned fast why it was so cheap. It was near the ships disco and when the music wasn’t playing you could hear the machines.

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