Day 14 2016.10.07 Winschoten

Day 14 2016.10.07 Winschoten 1000 667 Michael

7:40 Franks Alarm clock started to ring and we startet the day. Of course with motorcycle discussions and a breakfast. I was very thankful for his hospitality and hope to welcome him at my place soon. It took a while until I left with the target St Peter Ording. Frank recommended to stop in Friedrichstadt on the market place and at the signal tower in Westerhever. Both was close to my way so of course I stopped there.

St Peter Ording was also great to see. Even if I couldn’t find Franks recommendation were you are allowed to drive on Sand.

This day 200km the last day 200km I felt not really satisfied. I felt more like driving and I also was thirsty for another country again. So I decided I’ll visit the Watt in the Netherlands and stay the night already there. 7pm I arrived in a Hotel named “In de Stallen” the price 60€ was fair for what they offered and so I stayed. I really loved that place everybody was as polite and nice as I expected it from the Netherlands.

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