Day 13 2016.10.06 Bredenbek

Day 13 2016.10.06 Bredenbek 1000 667 Michael

Maybe my Danish friends are right and it’s devils island. My hotelier could’t change my first impression that he is just a dick. In the restaurant yesterday I also didn’t felt welcome and when I had to pay 48€ just for leaving that island on the ferry to Germany I really said to myself next time I take a ferry to the mainland or directly to Germany. Not much to do on the ship. It felt like an hour when i waited for that seagull to fly away. Some other passengers understood my intention an threw things near the bird to scare it. But of course it used one inattendive moment so that i couldn’t even try to take a picture.

A highlight was the conversation with Eric and Haley from South-Korea. They made all the way on there bikes and stayed also at the Oasis. Kai mentioned that he has seen a couple on such a Suzuki V-Strom. I’m still unshure if we really were there at the same time. Sadly there blog is in Korean language and I can’t understand anything. After I left the ship I followed Franks recommendations and visited Burgstaaken where you can visit this big Submarine. Compared to the Kitchen and anything else the Toilet was luxury big.

Near the submarine somebody threw some bread to the seabirds which offered a great spectacle. Watch out for the detail in the following pictures to understand their story. This is the last series of pictures shorten with the telezoom lens. I’m really glad that I bought it. From this series you can easily imagine that it is great fun to hunt for these pictures. But honestly I will not invest 2600€ in the faster and better telelens that Olympus offers.

Next target was visiting my Frank. We know each other from the Primus Rallye and haven’t meet since 1.5 years. It was great to see him again. After he showed me his bikes, the day ended very fast with beers travel stories and motorcycle discussions.

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