Day 12 2016.10.05 Vordingborg

Day 12 2016.10.05 Vordingborg 1000 750 Michael

I started not to early this day. I was not just lazy I just learned that it is not very smart. Before 9.00 am it is not just colder often there was so much fog that you don’t see anything. There are so many problems in autumn. Just the colour of the trees, the beautiful cloudy sky and the perfect light for photographs compensates all that. Luckily the Moose Park I wanted to visit was already open. Amazing big Animals, I had never seen them before. Time to use my telelens again. After I mounted it the Moosecow I wanted to photograph came nearer so that I couldn’t get her on a picture. Fews steps to the side but she followed. Same game again until I went up a ramp where she couldn’t follow. Gotcha!

The Rest of the day was more boring driving until I arrived at the Öresundbridge. Of course “Öre” at first something around 20€ this time. But seeing this bridge over the sea was very impressive. Sadly I didn’t took the camera out of the tank bag before. Stopping for pictures was impossible but pictures while driving would still be impressive. On devils Island (I learned that name from some Danish friends at the primus Rallye) there was traffic jam. No matter were I wanted to go traffic jam. Even If I was happy during the day that I increased my woolpower long johns from the thin 200g/m² to the thick 400g/m² I still was freezing in the evening. For this night I coose a Kings residence and stayed in Vordingborg were several Danish Kings were located in the medieval times. Sadly the castle and the palace are ruins so I had to take a hotel.

The Rest of the day was more boring driving until I arrived at the Öresundbridge. Of course “Öre” at first something around 20€ this time. But seeing this bridge over the sea was very impressive. Sadly I didn’t took the camera out of the tank bag before. Stopping for pictures was impossible but pictures while driving would still be impressive. On devils Island (I learned that name from some Danish friends at the primus Rallye) there was traffic jam. No matter were I wanted to go traffic jam. Even If I was happy during the day that I increased my woolpower long johns from the thin 200g/m² to the thick 400g/m² I still was freezing in the evening. For this night I coose a Kings residence and stayed in Vordingborg were several Danish Kings were located in the medieval times. Sadly the castle and the palace are ruins so I had to take a hotel.

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